Perfect and less perfect days
/Today we had one of those dreamy days where The Garden was everything I had hoped it would be. We started with a focused and productive democratic meeting, followed by some lovely journaling, paper aeroplane making and flying, Harry Potter reading, lunch sharing, trampoline bouncing, chess playing, imagination in the woods, tag in the rain, kindness and much laughter.
That's not to say that there weren't any challenges. Our only adult-imposed rule of one person at a time on the trampoline is the only rule that we regularly struggle with, which is no coincidence, and today has seen several infractions. People have disagreed and become cross with each other but, as I so often am, I have been repeatedly blown away by the ability of such young minds to solve their problems and find collaborative solutions to conflict.
The aeroplane factory
Of course, days like this are not the only kind we have. We have other sorts where people get cross with each other and need more help to find a way forward that everyone is satisfied with. Sometimes meetings are chaotic, frustrating and frankly hard work for the chair. Sometimes the grown ups must be persistently involved in the minutae of the day. The challenge is to accept these days as having equal value to the dreamy ones, possibly more so.
Today though, I'm quite glad it's been one of those dreamy, perfect days.